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Loota - social networking with virtual content by physical means?!

My dear friend portugalilainen and rest of his group is at 1st Riga International Young Designers Biennale with their Nokia Only Planet consept, Loota.

In my opinion that was one of the greatest inventions for a social networking where a virtual and physical content and objects are being intertvined. I would like to see if they have come up with a design for that, but while waiting news you can watch a video about the consept:

See also an open blog Exploring creativity, by Portugalilainen.

1 comment:

portugalilainen said...

Terve! Miten mies?
Kiitoksia paljon postista. loota-ryhmä ei suunnitellut uutta loota, me ponnistelimme näyttääksemme sen Riiassa.
Aukon jälkeen me näytämme sinulle yliopistomyyntikojun.