Blog is on pause, but please do enjoy my tweets :)

Microsoft surface

Usually I add interesting blog topics on to my "Just read about..." list on the right, but this time I have to add this as an entry.

Microsoft Surface
is about to change many ways how we manage information, files and our everyday activities. -If only it will be affordable.

See engadget gallery and the video below:

Jörn Donner theme in SEA

Finnish movie archieve offers this summer a collection of Jörn Donners works. Donner is lately been infamous about his "Lukeminen kannattaa aina" campaign for Kirjakerho, but actually has directed several great movies. Now there's a great opportunity to see those.
There's also some other interesting films like Barbarella, 1968 and Modesty Blaise, 1966 ;D

-Still I'm missing one of the best TV series ever; Pikkukaupungin tarinoita, where Donner was a producer. It was filmed in Kristiinankaupunki at summer and had a really intimate small town feeling along with the stories, as the name already says.

Coffee related trash

Posted from N73 through Flickr
While having a coffee I usually cannot avoid thinking; Where I should put this litter I'm creating with papers from sugar etc. This is a problem especially in airplane where table space is limited, or outside where the wind tends to grab things.

The answer was surprising: Cappuchino cups in FAZER Cafe had an elevated plate to hide the bottom of the cup and it could be used also for small litter created during your coffee moment!

I'd go there again just for the cups, but luckily the coffee was great too!
(btw: they also have a great 'eat all that you can' -type breakfast ;)


I kept a long weekend, and what a nice weekend it was :)
Saw Tamminiemi, went to Turku to see Mikael, grilled in Aurinkolahti, saw Hietaniemi cemetary and finally had a hike in Uutela. -And all this in great company!

Btw: our companys official 'lähiökuppila' Luna has been mentioned in City-magazine. -Along with the next place I try to check, La Place..

Guidance on bicycle paths

Generally the guidance on bicycle paths in Helsinki is really poor. You might see the path existing on the map, you follow the sign at the start of the path and you would think that it really quides you somewhere. -Then, suddenly you don't have any idea where the path went..
Though this time it was quite extreme, especially for my replacement bike.. :D -Finally the next day I found the right way, thanks to Google maps for mobile and now I have a shortcut to work and back :)

Sofa of the nation

Posted from N73 through Flickr
Talking about flatscreens and big sofas =D

Good day for Finland,won a game against russia and plays tomorrow ice-hockey finals. And today Hanna is trying her best at Eurovision finals.. Good luck for both!

VR and how to wash your face vs. floor

Posted from N73 through Flickr
On my train trips on these new 2floor cars I've tried to wash my face in cabin toilet, cabin sink and also in corridor toilet -failing every time. There's just no room for your head on top of the sink.

This time I thought I was clever. -There was cleansing wipes in the cabinet, I thought!
-No way, it would have been too easy. Just some soap to make the floor even more slippery..

Only place where you actually can wash your face is the shower. Shower as a concept is great. But there is a mapping problem. You could think that just use the big knob. -No. Every 30 seconds you have to find the small metal button just over the big one. The pic is blury, but you can immerse yourself in the moving and steamy environment ;).

Product design and free riding

Lately I've been watching how Ville has written about deep things behind design and somehow it reminded me of an text I wrote three years ago about analogy between telemark skiing and product developement. Unfortunately it is in finnish only.. -But english readers can see some lectures from Michael Hardt instead - I promise, there's a lot more proven facts ;)

"Tuotekehitystä voi verrata vapaalaskuun. Päästäkseen nauttimaan menestyvästä tuotteesta tai onnistuneesta laskusta, on ensin kiivettävä pitkä tie vuoren huipulle ja tuotekehityksen huippuhetkeen.

Nousuun tulee valmistautua huolellisesti. Matkalla voi sattua odottamattomia asioita, jolloin on osattava toimia oikein ja pitää suunta oikeana. Valmistautuessa ei myöskään saa unohtaa mitään tarpeellista, koska takaisin kääntyminen on voimien ja motivaation kannalta turmiollista. Huipulle haluaa mahdollisimman nopeasti, mutta on osattava kiivetä resursseja säästäen, sillä voimia täytyy olla vielä laskun hallitsemiseen ja siitä nauttimiseen.

Jos lumi tai markkinat eivät olekaan odotetut, ei lopputuloskaan ole odotettu. -Tämä voi johtua siitä, että matkalla on eksytty, tai on alunperin lähdetty kiipeämään väärälle huipulle tai väärään aikaan. Tai voi olla että kiipeäminen on lopetettu liian aikaisin, jolloin lasku -ja tuotteen myynti- jää lyhyeksi.

Parhaassa tapauksessa lopputulos on kaunis, teknisesti täydellinen ja haluttava. Niin luontainen, että kaikki samaistuvat siihen. –Ja mikä tärkeintä, kuluttaja haluaa sen hinnalla millä hyvänsä!"

PL -04